4 Track Mixer Mx4v2s - Version 1
(See diagrams below)
Asymmetrical output level:
- No jumper: -2 dBm
- With jumper: -12 dBm
Return level:
Must be set depending on the recorder. Minimum level for a 0 dBm tape return.
Factory setting: -12 dBm.
- No Jumper: Reference to the left track only
- With Jumper: Reference to both tracks
Reference level:
The reference level must be set at +4 dBm to the symmetrical outputs.
The distortion potentiometer must be kept in the middle.
Vu-meters settings :
Vu-meters must indicate 0 dB with a sinusoidal / 1 KHz / +4 dBm signal to the symmetrical outputs.
Input trim at -20 dB. Input potentiometers to the maximum. Apply an 1KHz sinusoidal signal to the inputs in order to have +22 dBm to the symmetrical outputs (with no limiter). Switch the limiter on and set the trim potentiometer to lower
the output signal to +20 dBm. Repeat for all tracks.