4 Track Mixer Mx4v2s - Version 3

Internal settings

(See diagrams below )

1/ Asymmetrical output level:

  • No jumper: -2 dBm
  • With jumper: -12 dBm

2/ 3/ Return headphone level:

Must be set depending on the recorder. Minimum level for a 0 dBm tape return.
Factory setting: -12 dBm.

4/ Low batt warning led:

Set the potentiometer for the led to light on as soon as the power supply decreases under 6 Volts.

5/ Batt test setting:

Set at 12V.

6/ "Mix" outputs commutation:

  • Jumpers on the red position: post-faders outputs
  • Jumpers on the gray position: pre-faders outputs

7/ 8/ Reference level:

The reference level must be set at +4 dBm to the symmetrical outputs.

9/ Single/twin reference Jumper:

  • Jumper on high position: twin-reference (1000 & 2000 Hz)
  • Jumper on low position: single-reference (1000 Hz)
  • No jumper: 1000 Hz reference to the left track only

10/ 11/ Modulometers/vu-meters settings:

  • Vu-meters must indicate 0 dB with a sinusoidal/1 KHz/+4 dBm signal to the symmetrical outputs.
  • Modulometers must indicate 0 dB with a sinusoidal/1 KHz/+12 dBm signal to the symmetrical outputs.

12/ Input offset trim:

Preamplifiers must be set to the max sensitivity. No signal to the input. Set the trim potentiometer to have as few cc offset tension as possible to the output of the SSM2017 integrated amplifier (Pin #6).

13/ Limiters :

Input trim at -20 dB. Input potentiometers to the maximum. Apply an 1KHz sinusoidal signal to the inputs in order to have +22 dBm to the symmetrical outputs (with no limiter). Switch the limiter on and set the trim potentiometer to lower the output signal to +20 dBm. Repeat for all tracks.


